No spoiler review and Parents Guide to content
"No spoiler" Parents Guide to content: Several jokes about nipples and getting milked throughout the movie. Many many "milking" jokes are throughout the movie. It's a running gag that highly goes stale after the second time. Be prepared for all 50 times it is repeated. Several times throw up scenes are repeated and finally cursing is repeated throughout. D-words, A words, and hell, and I think the S word is also said but dont quote me on that.
Amateur review by someone who absolutely had every Ninja Turtle action figure including the Technodrome toys, has been a fan of TMNT my ENTIRE life.
The movie is enjoyable, but if you are strictly going to see a nostalgia type movie then I wouldn't bother.
If you go in as a movie that is very cool in art style much like "Into the Spider-verse" and then don't expect the Ninja Turtles you grew up with, you will enjoy this flick.
All in all, although it wasnt the Ninja Turtles I loved as a kid, it was a fun movie. If you understand that a lot of the jokes are not really funny but some will actually make you chuckle, then go see it.
I can't stress enough that the movie is not the Turtles you once knew.
The villain was very lame and ridiculous but the cameos of all the old characters was an unexpected treat. The main story was very "meh" but the progression of the Turtles as teens was pretty cool.
I get what Seth was going for, and in that sense it was a fun time to experience with my son. But if I haven't said it enough if you are walking in and expecting the 90's cartoon Turtles or even the adult style of The Last Ronin then you're going to be let down. Several characters are wildly different including their back stories but still retain some form of themselves during this adventure.
It is hard to explain without spoiling but if you're slightly curious I would recommend seeing it.