I love it! Nick is such a loveable,sweet character but is she as good as you think she is?Nope! Will (nicks bf) I actually liked him! He’s a great actor! Molly is so sweet and one of those:”SAVE THE PLANET” type. Jeremy is really funny! Jeremy is actually one of the best! Next is Liz and....she is my third favorite person in the show! She’s funny and one of those: “I’m not cool and my daughter doesn’t care but I love everyone anyways!” Moms XD she is very Love able it’s so hard not to like her. Last is.....Ed...HES FROM STRANGER THING OMGGGGGG!!! I saw stranger things and then I saw no good nick and I’m like:BOB YOU ALIVEEE!!! He’s really funny too and the most loveable one..HES so nice,to nick,Jeremy,Liz,molly,and also his bank customers. He is so helpful and nice and sweettttt. you need to watch no good nick it’s a great show to watch with your family. Also...WATCH THE SHOWWW