It seems to me your show is now encouraging backstabbing and infidelity in relationships, by not eliminating participants involved or encouraging infidelity scandals, Jess, Dan and Martha for example, from your show or is it meant to be some cheap dating show. Maybe I am missing something about the main objective of your show as potrayed in season 1 or it's only now a matter of stirring up controversies hoping for higher ratings?
The continued airing of controversies and hiding of scandals from other participants has put me off your show.
It all now looks stage managed and very superficial, and nowhere near the realities of married life, that your relationship experts seem to try to encourage as an after thought.
It very shameful indeed, for your show to appear to encourage and thrive on emotional torture between couples when there is such a unirvesal push against domestic violence of whatever kind.
In my opinion some of these scandalous relationships are not helping some participants to improve in any way, irrespective of whatever terms and conditions or contracts you made them agree to or sign respectively.
They will certainly need some serious counselling after their time on the set has ended, and not from those so called experts because they have proven themselves to be not.
What a blatant promotion of infidelity in relationships, if this is an indication of how much marriage and relationships are valued in Australia these days. Then the future of children being brought up by both parents still together is very bleak indeed.