the movie has a good story... BUT!!! but there is very clear problem in the lack of adequae dialogues in he movie.... no complete conversations, the family consists of a group of people who face strage things but no one talks to the others!!
Suddenly, the director shows us parts of Orhan's memories that are not really connected to the problems that the main family face... the only conversations were the "Imam of the mosque" ones with Orhan which takes lecturing type more than actual conversations....
Also, there were those sudden scenes that shows strange things with the family members, after each, no one talks about what happened or try to find an explanation. For exmaple, one night the mother leaves the house searching for the twins girls and follow them to a strange place, and then she finds the girls in their beds!! then this scene ends normally, as if it is something ordinary to find your daughters in two places at the same time!!!!
There are many stragne unjustified or clarified locations in the movie that makes you feel duzzled with "what is this place? why it is here?" Orhan suddenly shown up in a strange place and moves to another as if he wasn't a human, and there is no mention to his current life or appearnce to normal discussions with anyone in his life (other than the Imam lectures)