"Devil May Clive"
I'm a hardcore jrpg guy and have been since the early 90s so here's my very seasoned take on it.
It was a solid game, but more Devil May Cry than a FF title. I just beat the game 5 minutes ago. I've played and beat every final fantasy title that's not a mmo game since I was a little boy playing the first final fantasy on the NES. This is the first one I felt let down, not for the game itself but for how far it's strayed from being a FF game. This is literally a Devil May Cry that's FF themed. The settlements were small and felt lifeless. The game obviously had a few MAJOR focuses: Environmental pleasantries, fast action game play and a semi to almost full on good story. But that was it. Everything else was bland and felt flat. Ff12 and FF15 I enjoyed, 12 being the better of the 2. FF6 being my all time favorite. I just feel like the game was going for the younger fortnite crowd with the focus going away from character development and towards looking pretty with button mashing.
I miss turn based gaming, building a group with everyone having different skills, and stories, the monster hunts in this entry were so mediocre and boring, not being able to adjust your abilities mid battle was a really just a lazy and dumb idea. No explorable world map, just areas to select and not many at that. No airship. No Biggs and Wedge. Side quest grinding was as dull as can be. Not worth doing looking back. The last 10 or so side quests that I did I skipped dialog and cutscenes, I don't regret it. None of the FF staple magic that's been around for decades was usable. No curaga, no haste, no demi etc. No Phoenix downs, you are only Clive for 99.999% of the game. The active time events are nothing more than button mashing or you have a 10 second window to hit 1 button. Very boring. It just really isn't a FF title.
The game is decent, worth playing for sure. The story is very grown up and mature. Very well written. The game is flat out beautiful to look at. That's about it.
I can't stress enough that this game is D.M.C with FF skin.
It might be decent for you but it wasn't for me. I'm probably going to skip the next entry for the first time ever. The route it's taken just isn't for me.
This is just my opinion, I'm sure plenty of others loved this game.