(SPOILER FREE) I enjoy the shows individually, but this crossover was subpar. It had some amazing moments, but the bad moments overshadowed.
It had so much potential. It set up a lot of good villains and brought out exciting characters from the DC universe. However, they just showed them for like 3 minutes and moved on.
The build up was pretty good, but the resolution was just dumb. We already have to suspend our disbelief to enjoy these shows, but this crossover really pushes the stupidity factor.
Tv shows really need to stop solving every major problem with "the power of love and friendship." It's so cliche and boring. Actually, it's just lazy writing. There are capable fan fiction writers who could have written a far better resolution than what we got.
Oh, and can we stop with the trope of 2 enemies ultimately facing off with just an Energy Blast Battle? This isn't Dragonball, y'all ain't Goku. Seriously, there was a minimum of 3 energy blast battles, maybe more.