The movie had absolutely no details the way the book describes each scene between Hardin and Tessa. The movie had a different sequence in the way the book describes the events of Hardin and Tessa’s relationship. They rushed each scene that was detailed in the book, The moment Tessa stayed at Hardin‘s fathers house, The parties the wedding the break up with Noah. I absolutely fell in love reading the book but watching the movie it’s sad that they have to rush each event that made the book so special . Then they go and turn steph into a lesbian or bisexual because Tristan in the book is a mail and in the movie is a female. The book explains more of Tristan and stuff relationship in the movie it’s such a quick glimpse of them. It doesn’t go into detail about the bonfire event more about Landon and his girlfriend . I hope when they make part two after we collide sequel that the further the details in the movie and make it an hour and a half long so that the drama between Tessa and hard and trying to get her back is explained .