Just slow and not a good movie. It certainly doesn't require you to put your thinking cap on. That's for sure. There simply is no plot, and no point to the story.
On her way out of Empire, after staying put in a nothing town for as long as she could....Fern was offered three, count em' three(sister, in-laws, and Dave's) places to live. She turned them all down.....to live in her van.
This is a documentary of an unstable woman who chooses to be homeless. Like so many other mentally unstable homeless people out on the streets today. If they desired, most of them could find income entitlements, or loved ones who will help. It is also a fine attempt of Hollywood peeps who are looking to cash in, on what their trendy friends have told them about homelessness.... while dining at GiGi's.
But honestly...out there there in the oh so beautiful west(with no rapist, no crooks, no mentally deranged folk) the only thing Fern really needs.... is a full time therapist riding shotgun and a bottle of jalapeno tequila with her.... in that brown van..... to unravel the many many layers of misery she is lugging a long like a lead balloon, and that "might" have caused this unfortunate choice of hers... to live in that van down by the river.