I’m a bit puzzled by the 3 body problem. Many of the “solutions” discussed - like using the sun as an amplifier, or using a sequence of atomic blasts to speed up the capsule with Will’s brain are so carefully tailored to give a very scientific feel to the series. Yet I struggle with understanding how the aliens manage to send the headsets or the micro computers to earth if they’re 400 light years away. The “skyping” with live sound and images also disturb me. If the aliens have the technology to send material, moving images and sound from 400 light years away so quickly that there isn’t even the slightest gap in the video calls, why would it take them 400 years to get here?
Of course I can calm myself by thinking that the aliens are so advanced that they have a solution beyond what a bug can understand. Or it’s science fiction after all. But I think an ambition with the series is to make it feel “realistic” and then gaps in logic make me think the series feels cheap.