When u finish watching kgf2 u ll surely think many years of your life has been wasted on loving admiring bollywood movies.. Every single penny of every indian has been wasted since then.. Cinematography vfx technology have evolved many years ago still no good storyline has been shown. What we have been missing since decades has been shown now.
KGF series is a world class experience of good cinematography, story line, technology, VFX effect, bgm, plotting & moreover casting. Because it is Rocky who gave life to everything.
KGF 2 is the biggest blockbuster monstrous movie ever.. It has blended everything so well.. All the characters from part 1 are plotted very cleverly. It is rollercoaster ride of Rocky's journey. Many times u will feel like u are watching a hollywood / international movie. It is a world class experience.. Mustttt watch.. U can't miss on a world class level indian movie..