I have been more and more disappointed with the new format and direction that this news program has taken.
It has become less about news and analysis and more about special interest stories that don’t really convey the reality of the daily news cycle .
Gone are the days of in depth reporting about topics such as international affairs, economics, politics , science .
Replaced by anecdotal stories about curling or some other irrelevant topics.
In the times of Peter Mansbridge, Pamela Wallin and Barbara Frum the journalistic depth was much greater.
It is also noteworthy that the foreign correspondents have really dropped in number. We used to have excellent journalists all over the world . Now they are spread very thinly . The international coverage is very weak.
I respect the current anchors , but for goodness sake focus on the really important news and go into depth on them.
In this this time of disinformation we need more focus on analysis and covering the news that matter. Not on folksy stories that make people feel good.