I have to write a long and honest review because there was so many mistake. If you watched Disney The Zone Season 2, starring Yoo Jae Seok, Lee Kwang Soo, and Kwon Yuri. They have a zombie episode and I can tell you that one episode is better than the 8 episode that netflix got here. Watch That series and compare it to this one... you will definitely be disappointed. Zombieverse showed me the difference between a seasoned variety show cast vs one that is not a seasoned variety cast. Cause I watched a lot of variety show from South Korea and I gotta say, this one was the worst one. Netflix Busted was 100 times better!
I have to give a 1 star rating for this variety zombie tv show. I enjoyed it from episode 1 to 3 but the acting and storyline became boring after that. And Imma tell you guys this, the story line is all over the place and its super chaotic and weird. The reason for that is because they been dealing with zombie for a while but all of a sudden in episode 5 and 6 they finally introduce a way to kill the zombie and they learn how to fight and kill zombie. But they done went through a lot already so they should already learned how to kill a zombie etc. It was weird to introduce this at the end of the show. Its also supposed to be unscripted but its like 80 percent scripted. How do I know ? Because they continue to force a storyline blatantly that you know they're following a script. They pick a leader but in reality there is no leader role or nothing. Because the role they given to each other wasn't use in display at all. And the brother and sister in the show.. they killed one of them off, kind of obvious because they were the only siblings so they can get a reaction. And for some odd reason they continue to travel with the 2 infected person. When we all know in reality or in a (Unscripted situation) They would got left behind. Then they would turn into zombie quickly. But in this one it took them like 1 week to turn. So they dont turn into zombie until the last episode. And you can see that no matter how much the cast didn't want the 2 infected on the team. They go into a discussion mode trying to get the audience affection by not abandoning them and the discussion is horribly boring and they did this a lot and because they didnt abondon and have no clue how to kill zombie even though theyre 5 episode in, one memeber died becaus of it. Definitely scripted. The only character that I enjoyed watching the most was Din Din and Noh Hong Chul, they were the realist unscripted people on the show but they always get shut down when they go off script which is supposed to happen since its a variety show. Most variety show I watched, they set the game and everything kind of just goes. Because in this one, although they tried hard to make it seem like it wasnt scripted. They picked the right person to die etc. It was obvious who wasnt gonna die and live, just take a look at the cast and you know. The lesser known people all died and the one that got infected with more popularity like the 2 star, they kept them on he show until the end. And the Park na Rae a broken leg ... they forced her to do mission. In what reality do you send someone with a broken leg out to do mission during an zombie outbreak. And they always send one person only... doesnt make sense. Over all, Bad acting, poor storyline, its a variety show but its almost 100 percent scripted. The discussion and flash back to try and get the audience emotional was horrible. I skipped all of them. And they sometimes do a lot of replay.....