Having just watched the movie. I just feel like. How do I explain it. I feel like I was hyped up for something great and instead all I was served was cheap potato salad from a plastic container. Those were not celestials. They were something but Celestial beings that was not. I wish I could share my first reaction to watching the predictable movie. With conflict that just made me feel like I was watching a Malcom in the middle episode. If you are going to make celestials then please for the love of god, do research and ask the person that made actual term of celestial beings. Which has already been trademarked long before this joke of a movie. It is great that each eternal is diverse. But you can not tell me that ageless beings just get formed by coincidence into cooresponding races of a planet. Like, if I have an immortal being, that should not die, and I see them die, or look just like a human it is just.... I just cant. I did not even finish the movie. I am glad I did not see that trash in the theater or I would demand a refund.