Ho ho hum storyline
Terrible soundtrack
Special effects were just as good in ‘96
As a diehard fan of the first movie, I hoped Twisters would continue the ominosity of the tornadoes and provide a good soundtrack and storyline -but this movie had barely any ups and downs and meandered in the middle like chicken noodle soup.
I don’t know man…everyone likes whatever is on the big screen these days (“Oh my god that was sooo amazing!!!!!)((;(!!!) )/&:$)):It was sooo0ooOoo scary…!!!!”@:@:@@@::@:@:@:
Like the new Top Gun movie, cowboy guy in this movie so it should have been called: “HOOOOWOOOOOO”
The tornadoes should’ve been depicted as scarier but instead seemed like swirling cotton balls in sunny daylight…..bring back the art or I’ll fart!
So whatever