Where do I begin.....well let's start with ALL lives matter. Black people feel like they are being discriminated against which I think is a double standard when you see mostly black people aggressively attacking Asian people because of the Pandemic. I feel if your going to defend a story that you air, that you air ALL of the information. Regarding Donte Wright, it is a shame he lost his life but it wasnt over a air freshener. He was being arrested for a warrant out for his arrest for not showing up to court. So this is why he was ultimately being arrested. He resisted arrest and that's where it escalated from there. If he just did what he was told to do he would be alive today. I know there are some bad seeds out there patrolling our streets but not all cops are bad. We should be lucky to have them. Also if you want change, have black people go through the academy and become police officers. All races get arrested, you just don't see it because it's not made a big deal. When criminals resist arrest that's where it goes to another level. I honestly feel Officer Potter made a mistake and it does happen doesn't matter how long you are on the job. We all make mistakes. Again it goes back to resisting arrest. When is that going to stop? I think if we hired more black people to be officers they can patrol with white officer so then MAYBE they can di-escalate a situation. So until we hire more black cops and not resist arrest this unfortunately will continue. Burning down people's business is not the answer that's for sure. That's needs to be talked about on your show as well. You can't be one sided.