If you watched this movie and you felt like it was bad, then it might be because you have not seen truly terrible horror movies.
Compared to all the other horror movies out there, this was a breath of fresh air for me. It may not have been as “scary” as we thought it would be, but there was the theme of self acceptance and self reflection.
I am a bit desensitized to horror movies because I do end up binge watching them often but I was shaken up. (And no, it was not because the monster is scary.)
We get caught up in wanting the sweat inducing fear that comes with horror movies that we miss the terrifying messages it leaves for us.
This was one of the movies that made me question my emotions, choices, and interactions. Imagine yourself in these characters shoes. Isolation, a monster, no one believes you, no one can help you. You’re alone.That’s what makes it scary.
This is a good movie because the point made its way across though some of us may not get the point.