Pixelated world is done well, really fun storyline, good dialogue between characters, I like that you have freedom to roam and explore, but the controls were not explained well, and about half way through the tasks become harder to understand.
I don’t mind a little trial and error, but I had to go to YouTube and Google too many times to understand the controls as well as what to do after tasks were completed.
My biggest issue is that wind and slope are two arrows in the top corner so there’s no accurate way to read the green or the wind patterns. These variables become more important throughout the game but there’s not much to teach you how to read them and very little indicators to show you what your club adjustments are doing to your shot while these variables are in play.
I started to lose interest and patience about 3/4 of the way through the game. Attempted the final championship 15 times, google’d the ending, uninstalled.
Did I enjoy my time playing? In the beginning, yes. At the end, absolutely not.
Do I recommend this game? Only to those with an even temper who like a challenge.
Would I ever reinstall and try again? No.