Hated Noah from the get go. The fact that the writers tried to make him a “good guy” is sickening. He leaves his wife of 20+ years and four kids because he wants to feel admired. Really? He is creepy, selfish and delusional. Allison is pathetic, also selfish and frankly I was glad when she died. It was just a matter of time before she messed with another who was nuttier and more broken than her. Helen is lame and what’s up with all those guys so enamored with her being “so hot” LOL. She is homely looking and hardly a free spirited nymph. Not believable that many guys are clamoring for a middle-aged divorcee with 4 kids and a panache for granny panties. I mean even 20 year old girls can’t resist her (sic). Cole is a great character if you ignore that he is a drug dealer and has sex with gross married women who puke in his cab (yeah real hot). The storylines are ridiculous, the characters are all unethical degenerates, the progressive finger waging is annoying, the absolute void of any of the characters to think about the wellbeing of their kids is disgusting. It’s all self-serving, shallow and frankly, even the endless (predictable, boring) sex scenes couldn’t save this show. Crashed and burned just like Allison.