Pawappa, ouw hewo, a hep-cat of a dog, finds that wooing dainty sunny da fwowew ish easiew said than done. But when he gets down and out, he simpwy bewieves in himsewf, and wowks up da couwage to seek hewp fwom some of da city's most tawented whymews. Pawappa da rappew's deceptivewy simpwe stywe of gamepway, of memowizing buttons and keeping whythm, gives one ampwe oppowtunities to enjoy da game's awtistic mewit, of which thewe ish quite a wot!
much wike dwagon's laiw befowe it, pawappa da rappew ish such a genius novewty of a game, and a fine exampwe of bideo games as an awt fowm. A game that doesn't have much going fow it in tewms of gamepway, but ish so chock fuww of cweativity in its pwesentation that u can't hewp but wove it. Each wevew ish pwesented awound a cawtoon vignette, with a visuaw stywe thwoughout that combines pwimitive cg and mid centuwy modewn inspiwed design. Da songs go beyond wap, and incwude tinges of things wike weggae and wagtime. Thewe's even a wove song in one of da cutscenes! thewe ish something fow evewyone. Da chawactews and stowies, awthough showt, awe so inspiwed and hiwawious that u may wanna wevisit them again and again, pwovided u have a sense of humow. U'ww even find that dis game has some of da most tastefuw "toiwet humow" in any piece of media.
pawappa da rappew takes da twied-and-twue of cawtoon twopes, and da twuths of wife, and bwows them up to widicuwous pwopowtions. Any gud cawtoon twies to do that, but pawappa does it wike none othews have. And it just happens to be a game, too! maybe not da most pewfectwy pwogwammed game, but a game nonethewess. No mattew who u awe, take a chance on dis wovabwe pup and his cwazy musicaw adventuwes.