Buzz Lightyear is a fictional character in the Toy Story franchise created by Disney and Pixar mainly voiced by Tim Allen. He is a sentient toy action figure based on the in-universe film and television franchise Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, a "Space Ranger" superhero. Along with his friend, Sheriff Woody, he is one of two protagonists in all four of the Toy Story animated films. In Toy Story (1995), unlike most other toys, Buzz initially believes himself to be the "real" Buzz Lightyear, and comes to terms with actually being a toy; in Toy Story 2 (1999), Buzz encounters other Buzz Lightyear action figures from the toyline who similarly believe themselves to be real, including one of the fictional character's in-universe archenemy and father: Emperor Zurg; in Toy Story 3 (2010), set ten years later, Buzz explores a romance with cowgirl figure Jessie, while his Spanish mode is also uncovered; while in Toy Story 4 (2019), Buzz finds his inner voice and bids farewell to Woody, who leaves to be with Bo Peep.