This show has been one of my favorite series to watch on Amazon. And I have been a big fan of Viviane’s work!
The characters had really good goals, obstacles, and backstories to their development. In fact that they didn’t give in much character development, still makes me want to watch more.
The only problem with this show is that how Vivianne’s take on sexual abuse was very insensitive. It felt like taking poor Angel Dust be the fault in doing sex deals. This can really hurt so many people who are affected by this topic. What she could of done is do further research on people who have experienced sexual abuse and express this on how harmful sexual abuse can really be for Angel Dust. Instead of making him be the fault in the scenario, she could have had Angel Dust stand up against Valentino and quite his job giving him a powerful representation of people who survive toxic abuse.
That’s the only thing I don’t like about it, but the songs and characters overall are very fun!
My rating would be 7.2/10