Get Squirrely is certainly the most insightful, thought provoking film of the 21st century. The film has been scientifically proven by famous philosopher, Dr. Danien Devitis, to have a profound psychological impact on its audience. He reports in his research that it sends the audience to a euphoric, transcendental state; one of which that is only broken when the film is paused. Audience members have stated that during this emotional escapade, they experienced enlightenment of their spiritual energy, provoking them to cease use of drugs and alcohol.
This superlative composition of art, Get Squirrely, can be described as a film beyond its time. Our people in generations to come will discover Get Squirrely in treasured archives, and use it as representation of our culture in the 21st century. For now, however, we must appreciate this motion picture delicacy for its unmistakable flawlessness and beauty.