I was amazed to find that there is absolutely NO reference in this supposedly 'comprehensive' book to the famously storied 'Tilliimook Rock Lighthouse, situated about a mile and a quarter off the Tillimook Head on the Oregon Coast, just south of the Columbia River Outlet! It is listed in several other works as one of the three most severely isolated, 'hardship' light stations in the United States (the other two being the one on Saint George Reef, just off Crescent City (CA) and the Minot Shelf light, off Massachusetts). There is a brief entry for the land-based Cape Meares Light on Tillamook, but no mention at all of Tillimook's 'most famous light station (Tillamook Rock), off the head! What a disappointment! The Tillamook Rock Light has been deactivated since 1957 but it is a shame to ignore it all together as the Roberts book seems to have, given its wealth of history!