I was so excited after watching the Prevue. Being an SRK fan I was hoping this would be a new chapter for SRK and Bollywood as whole.
But boy was I ready for the disappointment. I booked the tickets online looking at the showtime where seats were getting full, you know for the hooting, whistles, claps as I was super excited.
But each time people shouted or whistled during the film, it made me more angry.
The whole movie is just half-baked. Many people would like the movie. I get it. But it just not for me. Maybe I was thinking too logical about the screenplay, the writing and the dialogues.
Some of things that annoyed me:- [SPOILERS NOW]
1.The kid in the initial village sequence stands up and say I will help you find who you are when I grow up.
2. Narmada is a negotiator. She is seen with forces, she has weapons, she has authority, so clearly she is a Government officer. But she is never seen with a superior officer. She is only accountable to an Industrialist Kali. Why?
3. One of the worst villains- KALI
4. The whole court martial scene is a joke.
5. UN award for best prison! WOW!!!! And the jail authority is not on the stage, he makes an entry later on, and then came the song with an aunty singing out for no reason.
6. The beta-baba duo was so artificial.
7. Jawan with his team goes across the border to free their brothers and then their weapons won't work. Interesting thing was none of them were helmets. And that stupid guy with grenades. OH!
I can go on and it won't end.
You may argue that action movies have these kind of things and are just for entertainment. You shouldn't find logic in it. I agree to an extent.
"A woman who is a prisoner for god knows how long, is given death penalty for a crime which no one can prove she did. She is about to be executed, but she faints. Doctor arrives, check her pulse and declares she is pregnant."
Movies shouldn't be that stupid. Even the action ones.
I admire SRK, he is an inspiration for me from my early age. I've grown up watching him conquering the whole world.
But the kind of movies he is being part of now days is pretty sad for me. No question about his talents, hard work, dedication, hunger, patience, charm. BUT, for a fanboy, I am starting to like SRK more in real life than on the big screen.