Wow what a script.
A bit of a take of from the dam busters movie back in 1955.
But action packed flying. A lot of flashbacks.
A few big names got 5 minutes airtime. Ed Harris. Val Kilmer. Wasn’t sure were maverick and rooster were going in this one. But you had to wait till the last minute of the movie. Because I watched the original 36 years ago 100 times I wanted to see who they brought back. A little bit of dog fighting. But at $11,000 an hour to use the pentagon planes cut it short. I’m glad Tom made this to movie to finish top gun with a bang.
I think we all were wondering if he was going to be a good instructor. Also a big thumbs up to using some of the same soundtracks from the original Top Gun.
I know the millennium kids today don’t appreciate the 80s movies. But who cares at 70 I was having the best time of my life and feeling 34 all over again.