Worst animated tv show I’ve ever seen, scratch that... it’s the worst tv show I’ve ever seen. it baffles me how it has 100% on rotten tomatoes when there are clearly a lot of problems
Story; the story is nonsensical, mid 90s humour that wasn’t even funny back then... I’m not sold on the “world” they have created as there Are zero rules in this world... the hormone monster seems to be a thing you get when you turn 13 and would’ve been great if it was only one character who can interact with it, however they don’t do this. The show breaks it’s own rules as other characters have their own and even the couch has one when he’s a middle aged man, I guess it was trying to say something about that character but ultimately failed.
Ghosts exist, For some reason. And a pillow got pregnant... enough on that.
Characters; boring, unfunny and kinda horrible to look at after a few viewings. I found each character annoying after 2 episodes. The voice acting comes across as lazy, as most of them don’t suit the character design
I’m actually surprised “critics” didn’t pick up on these things earlier... guess we can’t take rotten tomatoes seriously anymore