I heard about this book, so I looked up the reviews prior to reading it. While I have to admit this was a nice fictional story to read, and I enjoyed it, but I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. It’s true we don’t know very much about Jesus’s early life, and it is always possible he could of taken a wife, but if she was alive and present at the crusifiction, we would of heard of her. But I know; it’s fiction! The point is this book could of been so much more! The author never wrote about Lazeiths death, and the miracle of him coming back from the dead; she made him only his friend. She wrote of John the babtist, but not about him recognizing Jesus as the savior they were all waiting for. And most importantly, the author made it seem that Jesus was not even aware he was the son of God. HE was born and HE was crucified for our sins, so we can have eternal life! And then….nothing was mentioned about the resurrection!
I am not a Scholar; I’m a fairly new Christian. I am always learning new things about the Bible. I just think it misleading, for someone who doesn’t know the true story, to read this fiction and possible believe this is fact. And I don’t understand why someone admittitly not a Christian would want to write this story! Why?