A pirate game without the raiding and the sword fighting and the looting and you know, the FUN STUFF A PIRATE GAME IS SUPPOSE TO BE? Oh, and you want your ship to look cool? Well give me 25 more dollars for a skin color. Oh, you want to chat in the lobby? Well you can't because a "Triple A game" can't afford to make a chat system in the game WORK. The story sucks, you can't recruit anyone on your ship that you want, you can't use swords, you can't fight with swords, your ship HAS A STAMINA BAR LIKE IT GETS TIRED!? Throw this game in the garbage and play Assassins creed black flag. You will have a much better time than playing this trash and you can actually have sword fights and raid ships, you know like a pirate game is suppose to be! Crazy I know!? This game ONLY gets a 2 because of the visuals otherwise I would throw a 1 at this hard.