Fun game, but way too many gameplay flaws. Hoping MHW is better. In MHGU I wish they woulda taken height into account. Hate when I’m aerial and 10 ft above monster and I get hit somehow by their tail on a flat tail sweep. Also, getting knocked down when a monster isn’t moving. My favorite... I’m full health, and Tigrex runs back and forth and I get zero chances to move and I faint before I have a chance move at all (and armor is above monster level). Rare, but has happened. I can’t move and hunter art moves are interrupted because of a roar?! Dumb... I guess it kind of makes up for the game being super easy. Its also beyond repetitive. How many times can I do the exact same quest? Just so the game can say it has 1,500 quests? Lazy... These flaws among other smaller flaws that frustrate because they don’t make sense give the game a 6/10 instead of a 9/10 or even 10/10. Wortg playing but don’t expect it to be a game changer.