For the price the game is definitely not worth it.. as you switch the tear it gets harder to get gear.. I believe I'm on tier 88.. or higher and certain vendors are offering level 45 gear.. when I'm level 57 fivalmost 60.. I've spent money in the game it's just getting harder to get gear that I actually need.. and when you do the event.. and you go to grab one of the chest you have to kill every ad in that area or around that area and they all swarm you it takes at least 5 minutes to kill every ad in that area that swarms you by the time you're done the chest is gone.. it'll be a lot easier if you got swarm but just the ads in that area not in that area in around that area.. and it does have bugs it is very glitchy.. I have buckeye internet top of the line for what they have.... Also when purchasing in the store make sure you buy items that your character can use.. because some items it will allow you to purchase them and your character may not be able to use them and the Diablo store.. I believe if your character can't use them you should not be able to purchase them.. but it's a way for them to get money your mistake there when..