Happy I didn’t spend the $30..
The original Mulan was an ordinary, if anything awkward, girl. Why now does she have to have “superpowers” to show strength or promise? What made her so inspiring in the first place was her being ordinary and overcoming adversary through bravery without any special skills.
There were moments of genuine acting, however, this version ultimately turned out to be campy, cheesy and a let down for young girls as far as role models go. It also treated its audience like they are incapable of putting two-and-two together. Trust your audience; they don’t need every sneeze explained.
You honestly might as well have kept Mushu in the movie, at least the comic relief would have been tolerable and understandable.
Give me the original any day.
**after watching several YouTubers review this movie, I realized how much propaganda was in this film, which explains the storyline, Disney is looking for profits over standing up for what’s right, smh**