first of all I’m from UAE / Dubai if you don’t know anyway this was my first ever Bollywood movie I have watched and this is the BEST MOVIE EVER and it’s the only movie that made Bollywood successful without this movie Bollywood won’t be successful as today that’s what aditya chopra said srk didn’t even wanted to do a romantic movie from the beginning of he’s career but look now he is known as the biggest movie star not only in India in the whole world after this movie existed and for the people saying it is a teenager movie no it’s not it’s a family movie !!!!!!!!! And it’s old it’s not like these movies in 2023 love movies all about sex not like the old days where it shows real LOVE!! And these movie teaches you how to influence the way you speak to a girl and to influence how you was with your parents like everything this movie even teaches you that you don’t give up easily in love so this is a mustttttt toooo watch