The best movie we can see in recent times! The plot, story, direction, casting, everything about the movie is just fantastic. How harassments or bullying of any kind affects the person is spectacularly shown in the movie. It incites anxiety and depression in the victim which is extremely harmful. It sends shivers and questions if the longest constitution in the world, The Indian Constitution is a mere substandard handwritten book and a scrap. Okay, amendments are made to it time by time but are they helpful, absolutely no. Maybe the way she has questioned the govt is the only possible method for common citizens to approach.
For example, the insane reservations, the ludicrous secularism, isn't it useless policies now!? If the beneficiary is already benefitted from the policy and now started suppressing the other party, is it justice? Is it necessary even after 75 years of independence of the country? The so-called reserved people are now capable of reserving flights at an instant and so-called then high class people are now trying to get through their lives. The GM individuals are finding difficulty in getting seats and jobs due to the reservations of which most of them are fake. Is this EQUALITY, where did it fled? There are many policies likewise which are just worthless.
Any person who takes one's privacy, one's rights, one's lives to their hands must be strictly severely punished. But a criminal will be punished after 20 years of crime, such is the efficiency of our judicial system. Its ridiculous how we provide chances to these mishaps to happen. Policies must such strong and carry weight that criminals fear to do a crime. People involving in crimes must not think about their advantage in it, think upon the state of the victim who take pain for no mistake of theirs, they are living just like everyone else, let them live with peace. Give it a thought and let's start to spread humanism. There's lots and lots to be changed. Whatever maybe the aftermath of the war with the government, its for the best, at least the future generation will live equally and peacefully.
Jai Hind!!