Incredibly well acted, and wrtten. It shows the very best and the very worst in human behavior, our place & time. It is inspirational to any of us who have seen the worst in our world, yet still believe and hope in the best.
it should be viewed by every single person in the justice system, above all, and every " law & order person " especially, including politicians who benefit by this great evil, who have created a system that treats human beings like animals across the entire justice system, top to bottom, and have led to a society that jails over 1/4 of the prison population incarcerated across the entire planet from a nation which has but 4 percent of the world's population. This has happened over the course of the last 50 years, the very same epoch that we started down the road of such great inequality, where we are now as well, among the most unequal societies on the earth.
As stated so well, "We have a broken system". And it leads to the worst in human behavior and affects all of us.. In the end, We all pay the price.
A great book on this especially is a book by Rutger Bergman called "Human Kind" where the state government of I believe South or North Dakota, a very conservative state, visited the prisons in Norway, and after viewing a place where they treat prisoners as human beings, to an extreme, wept after comparing it to how we treat them like animals in cages, and started changing that states' prison system, as she says, from a practical perspective, she promoted this cnange, because in the end it is what works and is what will be in real terms far less expensive AND far less damaging, to the fabric of life for every one in her state.
I have never seen any movie that better illustrates the great evil that has come upon us, and that we must fight to change.