This is the first Marvel film that I've seen in the cinema and regretted. Doctor Strange, Shang-Chi and even Ragnorok were excellent compared to this. I would have much rather seen another Guardians film that included Thor. This first 10 minutes started out well but after that it's like the writers just pulled random ideas out of a hat.
Jane having powers and him giving the children his power at the end kinda made it feel like anyone can be Thor and pick up his hammer. It's not special. Also knowing that every God you could possibly think of now exists, makes me feel like there are no rules to anything anymore. There's a unlimited supply of potential superheroes if they could be bothered and clearly the elephant in the room was Thanos. Did that not effect them?
Jane was a strong character in her own right, she didn't need her to piggy back off Thor to increase the amount of female super heroes. It seems weird to have Jane's depressing storyline in one scene, then giant screaming goats in the next. If its meant to be a fun film don't kill the vibe.
I felt like this film tried to be a kid friendly version of Deadpool but failed. I would love have seen a similar story line told in the God Of War games, which was gripping.