At first, I thought I'd feel good about beating this game after years of not playing it but it is not worth the time....there are much better yugioh games than this one. The game difficulty is not balanced at all....The mechanics and card drops are trash.....farming will take hours of gameplay and will not feel rewarding when you finally start getting slightly better cards....Passwords are not a gateway to simply get the cards you want but put an insanely expensive price on most of those cards (F.E.: each of the better cards would cost 999999 starships when you can earn 5 starships at most per duel)....I could get into so much more detail about how frustrating and weird this game is and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way but, in short, don't invest your time and energy into trying to beat the game for the story or challenge. If you are still interested after reading this, at least keep this review in mind and know that you were warned....