Doom eternal has captured my heart, and is everything a modern single player shooter should be. It is challenging, rewarding, brutal and beautiful. Start her up on Ultra-Violence, and watch as this game demands you to hone your ripping skills, so you can keep up with the pace.
So many people complaining about difficulty and "too much color", these people are simply incapable of beating the game. Yes, it makes 2016s doom look easy in comparison, mainly because this game requires you to think, and provides challenging and well thought out gameplay mechanics that go against the grain of dumb shooters (e.g call of duty).
A beautiful game that only faults when it trys its hand at platforming too much.
if you love shooters, do the right thing, buy this game, get good, and realise that this is the ultimate shooting experience, and one of the best games of the last 10 years. 5/5.