"Raayan" is a gripping tale centered around the lives of three brothers, their sister, two local gangsters, and a dedicated police officer. The movie stands out with its clean script and a blend of intense emotions, making it a memorable watch.
One of the most commendable aspects of "Raayan" is its avoidance of typical heroism. Despite this, the screen presence of Dhanush and his sister is nothing short of spectacular, adding depth to their characters and drawing viewers into their story.
The music and background score by A.R. Rahman are seamlessly integrated into the film, especially in the second half, elevating the overall experience. Rahman’s work truly shines, enhancing the emotional and thrilling moments of the film.
"Raayan" excels as a thriller with its fair share of violence, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats. Overall, I found it to be a well-crafted movie that balances action and emotion effectively.
**Rating: 3.5 out of 5**