At One Point The doctor Says we removed all accounts of Signing angles see Christ , and seeing past relatives and bright lights , and looked at only people who actual viewed there own bodies from abouve , three witnesses the saw doctors and nurses from above them or in surgery trying to save there life. I am a christen and former military medical Tech/medic I beleive all of these accounts. People who are Hindu Jewish Muslim all say near death , death experiencs. It is hard for me to ever say spritually that did not happen as i do know spritual things happen everday. As a person raise Cathloc than Bapist for four years and now Latter Day saint for Past 18 I have no doubt Heaven and hell exist. I stongley beleive in repentance and asking for forgivness for God and people one has offended. There is a line in a movie that says ,"What is our purpose as a church if evil and the Devil do not exist? "