I start watching every Tuesday early evening and stay with U until 1am. Even if I catch a rerun, I’ll stay with U. Even have my husband watching! We LOVE ur show! It’s fascinating! Love all U guys. Always have to see where Zak is going to isolate Aaron. We are Goodwins, too. I swear Aaron is a relative! Love when u bring out the SLS and the little “stick folks” come calling. Each episode has its own reason for being a favorite. I do have a favor: I watched episode “Southwest Shadows” when u went back to Tombstone. I have been trying to find the perfect “cowboy” hat and u guys had great hats in this show. I think I’m looking for the one Zak had and the one Billy had. I like the look of both styles. This probably is the strangest request u’ll ever get but either can u send me ur hats or tell me the brands, sizes, styles, etc so I can attempt to find them. Seriously, I have been trying for years to find the perfect hat and u guys just had them! They are the hats U were wearing at the close of the show in black. Loved the dusters, too. This episode just was a real kick! U got ur “cowboys” on! Very sexy! Anyway, can u get the information to me? We’ll b watching every Tuesday, guaranteed. Luvluvluv all y’all.