This film had great potential that I am sorry to say was not met. I would not go as far as to say it was bad, but it did manage to disappoint on numerous occasions. The action and effects were as engaging as I expected. However, I did have a few too many eye roll moments due to the constant need for scene after scene of down to the millisecond intensity. "Is he going to make it...?" Of course he is. A good film should only ever have two scenes at most where you wonder if said character will make it in time and does only by mere split second timing. This was my biggest qualm with this film.
The writing I must say was decent though. The idea behind the story was captivating and the cast did a great job. I could have definitely used a bit more comedy to balance out all the action and drama. It's like resetting your scent receptors with coffee grounds.
All in all I would say it was decent but I would not watch it again. One of those movies where now that you've seen it, it has nothing left to offer
Oh and the ending could definitely use some work.