Well this adaption has only one small silver lining in my opinion. It has made me realize how they need to never make a TV adaption of my favorite fantasy series, The Way of Kings (WOT is my second favorite). This review is really only for people who have read the books.
There are so many unnecessary changes made, and to those that are saying “well it just comes with the adaption, trust the process”… no if you are going to spend the time converting a book series *as good* as this one into a TV show you can figure out how to do it without dramatically changing multiple story lines and events.
Also what the hell is with the sexualization? There was none of that in the book and it is completely unneeded. Likewise I don’t care about having a diverse cast, in fact I’m all for it, but if the two rivers is back country and an extremely remote place, where the hell is all this diversity in villagers coming from? It completely ruins the mystique and isolation of the village. Before people criticize me about being anti-woke, idrc if the villagers were all black, white, Asian, Latino etc… just show some consistency and have the incoming travelers be diverse. And why is everything so dark and dreary..? That’s not what the two rivers was like before beltine.
This is a failed GOT remake and is extremely disappointing.