Over 40 years ago @MelBrooks made a thought provoking, insanely funny movie 'History of The World, Part I' with heavy weight actors like Gregory Hines, Madeline Khan, Bea Arthur...
To this day, so many zingers, one-liners and memes are made out of that movie.
After 40 years, @hulu had a "bright idea" to have Mel Brooks, now a 96-year-old man to replicate that success and produce a TV series, 'History of the World PART II'.
I watched the first season. It SUCKS! Don't waste your time on it.
Unlike the 1981 epic comedy, this one is done with really bad actors (except @IJasonAlexander cameo) or decent actors, who seem to be there just for the check and performed their minimum like @iamwandasykes
Classic movies like 'History of the World Part I', Monty Python etc...these need to be left alone in their pedestals. They rarely can be replicated. Especially by some minimally talented @nbcsnl alums.
Mel Brooks is a living legend. I wish @hulu didn't soil the name of this great artist by having him done and narrate this really subpar show.