Was hoping to get back into the gears of war groove but sad to say they have not changed anything for the better. They’ve added a few new weapons that don’t really do a whole lot compared to the tride and true ones from old. The main characters outside of Marcus Fenix don’t interest at all. The story itself seems like it wasn’t thought through all the way, especially when you spend the first half of the game shooting mindless robots and going through what I can only describe as a arcade style section that I kept feeling like I had to put a quarter into to play. Once you get to the real baddies of the game it’s just the same old stuff with no new gameplay except for bullet spongy bosses and horde mode sections to try and keep you entertained while you continuously do the same stuff over and over. Granted it’s a Gears game, shoot, move, chainsaw. Figured that wasn’t hard to mess up. This time around, I’d say just watch someone else do a play through or just watch the cut scenes. Skip this one if you can.