I am a Non-hasidic jew who attended a Hasidic School and Have many Hasidic friends.
In every community, there will be « exceptions » to the rule where one will have a difficult childhood.
Hasidim should not be viewed as ´odd ´ people. The Story here does not apply to what life really is There. They are Family oriented people, treat their Loved ones with Care and would NEVER make anyone Suffer! Marriage is NOT forced at a Young Age. They havw the Custom to get married in their Young 20’s but it is NOT forced.
In every community, there are divorces. Unfortunately, children raised in a setting may be Upset about life and Blame their community but these are special situations. We can’t start viewing people through a black lense because of these rare situations.
I shall say that I had an excellent experience at the school I attended even though my Family is Not Hasidic. We were treated with great Respect and my Friends are Happy people. Nothing there is bad.
They have internet and Have a Normal life..contrary to what the Public thinks.
I wish Good Luck to the publishers of this Movie but must say that I’m quiet upset bec It’s not fair to make people look Bad when they are nice and Good People.