I support equal rights - as I believe the STRONG majority of people do. And if the players and the league want to support and promote equal rights for all - off the field - then I'm all for it and a supporter. But when the league came out in support of the BLM movement it lost me. BLM is a political movement based on Marxist ideology. The movement wants to tear down the system and replace it with communism. This is fact. They feel the only way to have equal rights for all is through a communist society. And the way they want to get there is through anarchy. This is fact. The violence, hate, racist comments and actions, looting and murder, from members of the BLM movement, should be condemned, not supported. And when the NFL, other professional sports and corporations endorsed the BLM movement they lost me as a supporter, viewer and purchaser of goods. Martin Luther King used the power of words and acts of nonviolent resistance, such as protests, grassroots organizing, and civil disobedience to achieve desired outcomes. I support MLK's philosophy and I support equal rights. I don't support the NFL because they brought politics into the game and have and continue to openly support a Marxist anarchist movement.