I was stunned when Simon Cowell went to the public vote on Saturday night because he couldn’t choose between Martin Bashir and Jonny Labey. We heard from Simon that he didn’t like Jonny’s song choice nor did he like the way he’d been styled. Now we come to Martin Bashir who forgot the words of the song. The reason we were told was because his song had been changed that morning, which l could accept but the truth is, in the real world, Mr Bashir can’t sing for toffee. Yet Simon, whose JOB it is, supposedly, to know a singer when he hears one opted for the public vote because he couldn’t decide for himself who was the better singer of the two. Had Mr Bashir been someone who had come in from the street to audition for the X Factor I can almost guarantee Simon wouldn’t have given him the time of day and it would have gone something like this. Martin l really like you as a person BUT ........ and he would have told him the truth so why the double standards ? Jonny’s choice of song was wrong but surely his mentor had to take some responsibility for that and if he was styled wrongly then the stylist had to be blamed. One thing for sure is that Jonny CAN sing so why on earth did Simon find it so difficult to decide for himself who to put through. I wonder if it was because Simon changed the rules midway by telling Nicole to give Try Star a chair instead of one of her own group and so he owed her. Anyhow what’s done is done - all l know is l won’t be watching it again.