I have never written a review on a movie before but had to this time. This movie was so horrible it wasn't even funny. Her calling 9-1-1 over and over (I would hope no one would ever be that dumb to do that). Describing her son's description to the car repair guy as a "teenager with brown hair" (cause no one looks like that in high school), and the police having her call the offender (like really?). And really, as if the offender would sit there with a gun in his hand waiting for her to finish her sentence that she is taking 5 hours to say. Horrible from beginning to end and the only "suspense" throughout the movie was her on the phone huffing and puffing into it as she was running. Oh and to top it off, the POLICE drove her home! She had 2 cars sitting at the school (while 1 at the shop near by)! Wow!