Sorry this is a REALY long review
No offense but this movie was horrible it got next to nothing right from the books its plot is kind of hard to fallow exspesally if you read the books or even know Greek mythology. It was like the director of this movie didn’t even read the book. if you or your kid enjoyed the books this is NOT the movie to watch even. A lot of the things they got from the mythology is wrong. I LOVE the books and all this movie did was make me want to break something. Here are some of the things they either didn’t have or got wrong there will be spoilers
No clariss
It’s winter meaning Persephone is there and the SUMMER camp there in should be less full
The aging is all wrong the whole plot of the books is he needs to do something by a serten age and he is that age in the movies
Like a true Disney movie Luke has absolutely NO redeeming quality’s witch is both painful to watch if you’ve read the books and terrible for THE WHOLE PLOT
Anabeth solves basically nothing and her whole purpose is Percy’s love intrenched
Mr D is NOT there.
Anabeth has no ties with Luke and eminently sells him out.
There camp is pathetic the entrance looks like Jurassic park witch you could say was budget but they spent a hell of a lot of money giving them customs (WITCH ALL THEY NEEDED WAS AN ORANGE T-SHIRT THAT SAID CAMP HALF-BLOOD) and cgi that wasn’t needed
The gods seem like they actually CARE about their children.
Ares plays a very unimportant role in the movie
Luke is like the Bad boy with all his video games when the only electricinics at camp are sapoused to be the ONE computer locked in chirons office and annabeths phone because they attract monsters!
Percy is actually intelligent
There are so many more reasons why and sorry for the long review