I'm a huge Sherlock fan. As a fan, I was excited to see the title Irregulars and the name Watson and Sherlock on the info page. Thought it would be an interesting show about one of those Sherlock episodes in which the Irregulars help Sherlock's investigstion. But I'm sad to say that I have no idea what this show is now.
First, casting. As an asian, of course im happy to see lots of talented asian actors on screen. But please, stop this stupid PC nonsense. I don't want any asian casting in Sherlock. I doubt there were any in the original Sherlock works. It's like having a white/black casting for an Asian history movie that takes place few hundreds of years ago. I wouldnt want any other race in that, wouldnt I? It is not about racism, it is about respecting the original work/plot. PC casting was an absolute disaster that disturbed the audience. Black Watson that throws coin at an asian kid... really?
Second, irrelevant to Sherlock. If you are gna use Sherlock, Watson, and the Irregulars from the original work, at least make the plot somewhat similar. I could take out all those names and Baker street, and this show wouldnt have a single problem. Using those names is like using those shtty youtube titles just to lure more audience in.
Third, what is wrong with the music...?
If the title was something like 'Hobokids: The Rip' or something, I wouldve been able to enjoy the show more. Perhaps even a 4 star. But there were so many BS going on and it totally distracts people. Dont bring in Sherlock. Dont bring in PC. Please. It looks so stupid and bad. Doesnt help anyone.